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Working directory : ./%s bootstrapfile[%s] Creating in-memory datastructures... [%s] %d haystack files found in ./%s %1d%10d%5d%7d%15d[%s] %d files-needles(valid) found in the haystack files FAIL TO REMOVE BOOTSTRAP FILE[%s] Server is ready for new clients! (%d) needles in file |------------------------------------------------------------------------------||-------------------------------- THREAD START --------------------------------||------------------------------------------------------------------------------| [%s] Server getting started... socketbindlisten[%s] Server listening for connections to port %d accept [%s] Server received EXIT signal %s: %s pthread_mutex_lockpthread_createpthread_mutex_unlockpthread_join|--------------------------------- THREAD END ---------------------------------||--------------------------------- END MAIN BODY ----------------------------------|HTTP/1.0 400 Bad request Server: haystack_server v1.0 Connection: close HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error Server: haystack_server v1.0 Connection: close HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found Server: haystack_server v1.0 Connection: close POST[%s] Client [%s] requested a file upload with %d content length. write of upload%7d%1d%10d[%s] Client [%s] requested downloading file with id : %d. [%s] Client [%s] requested deletion of file with id : %d. HTTP/1.0 200 OK Server: linux04:9000 v1.0 Connection: close Content - Type: text Content - Length: %s File successfully uploaded with id : %s[%s] Client [%s] file (with id: %d) upload finished successfully. HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content - Type: image/jpeg Content - Length: %s Connection: close (Problem sending message to client)write of download[%s] Client [%s] successfully finished downloading file with id : %d.Total bytes tranfered : %d. HTTP/1.0 200 OK Server: haystack_server v1.0 Connection: close Content - Type: text Content - Length: %s File with id : %s was successfully deleted[%s] Client [%s] File with id : %d was successfully deleted. [%s] Client [%s] file upload failed due to some internal server error. [%s] Client [%s] file upload failed due to client request error. [%s] Client [%s] file download failed due to client request error. [%s] Client [%s] File with id : %d could not be downloaded due to some internal server error.%s [%s] Client [%s] File with id : %d was not found. edw eimai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11[%s] Client [%s] file deletion failed due to client request error. 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