Η Ελληνική γραφή κατά την περίοδο της Ρωμανίας (Βυζάντιο)

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The author and maintainer of this page is Paul Halsall.

Μορφή των γραμμάτων - Συνδυασμοί γραμμάτων - Συντμήσεις

Greek Letter Forms

Letter Forms in
Literary Papyri
(to 8th century)

Letter Forms in
Uncial Manuscripts

Letter Forms in
Minuscule Manuscripts
(from 9th Century)

Source: Bernhard Abraham van Groningen,
Short Manual of Greek Palaeography, (Leiden: 1940)

Greek Letter Combinations (ligatures, etc.)

By ligatures are meant combinations of letters made for the sake of writing rather than the meaning of a word or words. For those see the separate Greek Abbreviations file.

Usual combinations of Minuscule letters

Combinations of letters in later minuscule MSS

Combinations of letters by superposition

These ligatures were made according to set rules, which were almost always followed in early minuscule MSS As uncial letter forms were mixed in with pure minuscule (for instance beta, kappa, pi), ligatures were created using both forms In some case super-positioning (placing one letter above another) created yet more new forms.
Source: Bernhard Abraham van Groningen,
Short Manual of Greek Palaeography, (Leiden: 1940)

Greek Abbreviations

By abbreviations here are meant combinations of letters made for the sake of the meaning of a word or words rather than for the purpose of rapid writing. For those see the separate Greek Letter Combinations file. Not included here is any listing of «standard» abbreviations, when for instance the conclusion of a word is omitted, or prepositions are given by one or two letters.

Abbreviations could be made in a number of ways. The following tables present variations using the following methods:

Two ore more of these methods might be used in one abbreviation.

Abbreviations: through suspension together with superposition or combination

Abbreviations: through contraction together with superposition, suspension or combination

Nomina Sacra:
names or titles of sacred figures,
usually through contraction


combinations and superpositions of letters
to create distinctive name-symbols

from deformation of letters or tachygraphy

Source: Bernhard Abraham van Groningen,
Short Manual of Greek Palaeography, (Leiden: 1940)

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