from itertools import product, combinations, cycle from subprocess import run import networkx as nx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class AcesEightsPuzzle: def __init__(self, names=None, draw=None, out=True): if names is None: names = ["Alice", "Bob", "Carl"] elif len(names) != 3 and any(not isinstance(name, str) for name in names): raise ValueError("Wrong agent naming!\n") self.out = out self.agents = names self.agent_colors = {names[0]: "red", names[1]: "green", names[2]: "blue"} self.G = nx.Graph() self.G.add_nodes_from(["".join(var) for var in list(product(["A", "E", "M"], repeat=3)) if ((var.count('A') == 2 or var.count('E') == 2) and var.count('M') == 0) or (var.count('A') < 2 and var.count('E') < 2)]) if draw is None: self.draw = "AEA" elif not isinstance(draw, str) or draw.upper() not in self.G.nodes: raise ValueError("Incorrect draw given!\n") else: self.draw = draw.upper() self.G.add_edges_from([(edge[0], edge[1], {'color': 'red'}) for edge in combinations(self.G.nodes, 2) if edge[0][1:] == edge[1][1:]]) self.G.add_edges_from([(edge[0], edge[1], {'color': 'green'}) for edge in combinations(self.G.nodes, 2) if edge[0][0] == edge[1][0] and edge[0][-1] == edge[1][-1]]) self.G.add_edges_from([(edge[0], edge[1], {'color': 'blue'}) for edge in combinations(self.G.nodes, 2) if edge[0][:-1] == edge[1][:-1]]) if out: print(f'{10*"="}Puzzle start{10*"="}\nAgents: {names} (ordered)\nDraw: {self.draw}') print(32*"=") def agent_2_color(self, agent): # returns assigned color for agent's alias if agent not in self.agents: raise ValueError("Invalid agent entered!\n") return self.agent_colors.get(agent) def remove_colored(self, agent): # removes states where the agent could be sure of his draw agent_color = self.agent_2_color(agent.capitalize()) if agent_color != "red" and agent_color != "green" and agent_color != "blue": raise ValueError("Weird color!\n") removed_nodes = [] for node in self.G.nodes(): if not any(neighbour["color"] == agent_color for neighbour in self.G[node].values()): removed_nodes.append(node) for node in removed_nodes: self.G.remove_node(node) return removed_nodes def can_agent_tell(self, agent): # checks whether the agent could know his draw agent_color = self.agent_2_color(agent.capitalize()) return not any([p['color'] == agent_color for p in self.G[self.draw].values()]) def play(self): # simulates the game by browsing the agents pool = cycle(self.agents) agent = next(pool) steps = 1 while not self.can_agent_tell(agent): removed = self.remove_colored(agent) if self.out: print(f'{agent} cannot tell!') print(f'Removed {removed}.') agent = next(pool) steps += 1 if self.out: print(f'\nNow {agent} can tell that the draw is {self.draw}.\n{agent} wins!') print(f'{10*"="}Puzzle ends{11*"="}') return steps, agent def visualize(self, export=False): # visualises the current puzzle state # every agent's knowledge is shown with different color colors = nx.get_edge_attributes(self.G, 'color').values() nx.draw(self.G, nx.shell_layout(self.G), edge_color=colors, with_labels=True) plt.axis("off") if export: filename = input("filename :") plt.savefig(filename + ".svg", format="SVG", transparent=True) command = r""""C:\Program Files\Inkscape\bin\inkscape.exe" --export-type="pdf" """ command += filename + """.svg""" run(command) plt.close() else: if __name__ == "__main__": Draw = input("Enter draw: ") t = AcesEightsPuzzle(draw=Draw) t.visualize()