Department of Mathematics |
The seminar is taking place either in room A32 or in room A31. All talks are on Friday at 3:15 p.m. EEST (Athens).
October 4, 2024
Andreas Savas-Halilaj (University of Ioannina, Greece)
Sharp pinching theorems for complete CMC submanifolds in the sphere.
Abstract. A classical theorem due to Simons (Ann. of Math. 1968) and Lawson (Ann. Math. 1969) states that a compact, minimal n-dimensional minimal hypersurface in the sphere, whose second fundamental form satisfies |A| ≥ n, must be a either totally geodesic sphere or a Clifford torus. A similar result holds for compact hypersurfaces with non-zero constant mean curvature.
In this talk, we show that that these results extend to complete immersed submanifolds. A significant obstacle to overcome in our case is that the maximum principles of Omori and Yau at infinity, which I will review during the talk, are not-applicable to our problem. The main tool is an adaptation of a conformal method developed by Fischer-Colbrie (Invent. Math. 1985).
The results are contained in a joint work with M. Magliaro, L. Mari and F.
Roing, (Crelle 2024).
October 11, 2024
Ioannis Giannoulis (University of Ioannina, Greece)
The semi-geostrophic equations and their relation to the Euler equations.
Abstract. The semi-geostrophic equations are two- or three-dimensional
models that have been proposed in the 1970s as reduced models describing
the large scale dynamics of weather fronts, based on the observation that
these dynamics are determined mainly by the horizontal action of the Coriolis
force arising from the rotation of the Earth around its axis.
In their so called dual formulation, that is, after a suitable change of
variables, the semi-geostrophic equations can be expressed as a coupled
system of a scalar nonlinear transport equation with a velocity field that
is determined through the solution of a Monge-Ampère equation which has
the transported quantity as its right hand side. The existence of global
in time weak solutions for this dual formulation has been proved by
Benamou and Brenier in 1998. Later on, Loeper proved in 2006 the
well-posedness of Hölder continuous solutions locally in time and showed
that the dual semi-geostrophic equation in two dimensions can be seen as a
perturbation of the Euler vorticity equation. In our talk we will focus on
this latter relation and present results concerning its generalization and
improved quantification, which have been obtained jointly with V.
Kalivopoulos within a project funded by HFRI.
October 25, 2024
Dimitrios Gazoulis (University of Athens, Greece)
Mini courses on Homogenization Part I: Γ-convergence, G-convergence
and their relation.
Abstract. We briefly introduce the notion of Γ-convergence and it's main
properties together with two basic examples. The first example is the
Γ-limit of the Modica-Mortola functional which relates phase transition
type problems with minimal surfaces. The second, is an example from
homogenization. Then, we introduce the notion of G-convergence for
elliptic equations in divergence form and we state the homogenization
theorem of G-convergence for elliptic operators. Finally, we illustrate
the relationship between G-convergence with Γ-convergence and the second
example stated in the beginning allow us to compare the G-limit with the
weak* L∞ limit.
November 1, 2024
Dimitrios Gazoulis (University of Athens, Greece)
Mini courses on Homogenization Part II: H-convergence and the
Homogenization theorem.
Abstract. We introduce the notion of H-convergence for operators in
divergence form that are not necessarily symmetric. We state the main
properties of H-convergence and compare them with G-convergence. Then, we
provide the main tool for the homogenization theorem based on compensated
compactness, that is, the div-curl lemma. Finally, we state the
homogenization theorem for H-convergence and define the corrector matrix
that gives an approximation for the solutions of the homogenization
problem, i.e. the corrector result.
November 8, 2024
Zhiyuan Geng (University of Purdue, US)
Uniqueness of the blow-down limit for the Allen-Cahn solution with
a triple junction structure.
Abstract. In this talk, we investigate the vector-valued Allen-Cahn
system with a triple-well potential, motivated by recent works of
Alikakos-Geng and Sandier-Sternberg, which establish the existence of a
minimizing entire solution exhibiting a triple junction structure at
infinity along certain subsequences. We prove the uniqueness of the
blow-down limit for this solution using a variational approach. Central to
our analysis is a precise estimation of the diffuse interface’s location
and size, achieved through tight upper and lower energy bounds.
Furthermore, I will present new results on the asymptotic flatness of the
diffuse interface at infinity, revealing that the solution is nearly
invariant along the direction of the sharp interface.
November 22, 2024
Dimitrios Gazoulis (University of Athens, Greece)
Mini course on Homogenization Part III: The proof of the
Homogenization theorem.
Abstract. We briefly recall the notion of H-convergence and the div-curl
lemma that was proved in Part II of these series of lectures. Then, we
provide an abstract setting in the spirit of Lax Milgram formulation that
is utilized, together with the compensated compactness theorem, to
complete the proof of the Homogenization theorem. Finally, we will prove
the corrector result stated in the previous lecture, that gives an
approximation for the solutions to the Homogenization problem.
November 29, 2024
Vassilis Rothos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki , Greece)
Solitons in Discete NLS: Part I with saturable nonlinearity.
Abstract. We demonstrate existence of solitons in Discrete Nonlinear
Schrodinger equation (DNLS) with saturable nonlinearity. We consider two
types of solutions to DNLS periodic and vanishing at infinity. Calculus of
variations and Nehari manifolds are employed to establish the existence of
these solutions. We present some extensions of our results, combining the
Nehari manifold approach and the Mountain Pass argument.
December 6, 2024
Orestis Vantzos (Department of Research, Technology and Development, IPTO, Greece)
Maximally Monotone Flows.
Abstract. We consider the notion of the flow of a maximally monotone
operator A over a Hilbert space H, i.e. a solution of the initial-value
problem u'(t) ∈ -A[u[t]], u(0)=u0. The canonical example is the gradient
flow of a (proper, convex, lower semicontinuous) functional I, where the
maximally monotone operator is the subgradient of I. We discuss the
well-posedness of such flows, and their time-discretization via minimal
movements. Combined with a recently introduced class of splitting
algorithms for determining the zeros of sums of maximally monotone
operators, this technique opens up the numerical treatment of a class of
interesting evolution problems.
December 6, 2024
Graham Patrick Benham (University College Dublin and the University of Oxford)
Getting a kick from water waves.
Abstract. Wave-driven propulsion occurs when a floating body, driven into
oscillations at the fluid interface, is propelled by the waves generated by its own motion. In this seminar I will present a new theory for
wave-driven propulsion based on coupling the equations of motion of a
floating raft to a quasi-potential flow model of the fluid. Using this
model, expressions are derived for the drift speed and propulsive thrust
of the raft which in turn are shown to be consistent with global momentum
conservation as well as experimental observations. I will also discuss
some recent work using variational calculus to derive the optimum forcing
for wave-driven propulsion, comparing analytical results with numerical
optimization in the Julia programming language.
Benham, G.P., Devauchelle, O., Morris, S.W. and Neufeld, J.A., 2022.
Gunwale bobbing. Physical Review Fluids, 7(7), p.074804.
Benham, G.P., Devauchelle, O. and Thomson, S.J., 2024. On wave-driven
propulsion. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 987, p.A44.