Views of distinguished members of the geological community of the scientific work and the contribution of M.D. Dermitzakis to Geological Sciences



Dr. Jacques Angelier, Professor of the Laboratory of Tectonic Geology of the University P. et M. Curie, Paris, France, writes in his Thesis entitled “Neotectonique de l' arc egeen”. Société géologique du Nord, Publication no 3, 418 p. Thèse de Doctorat d’Etat :


p. 150


En effet, Meulenkamp (1971) pour toute l’ Egée méridionale et Drooger et Meulenkamp (1973) pour ta Crète n'avaient pas manqué de souligner l' importance du changement survenu vers la fin du Miocène moyen … L' importance de ce par des études stratigraphiques détaillées, comme celles de Dermitzakis (1969, 1973) en Crète sud-orientale ou de Dermitzakis (1978) à Zante, et réaffirmée avec force par Meulenkamp, Dermitzakis (1979) retraçant l'évolution paléogéographique de la Crète au Néogène. Il est à souligner que ce changement fondamental vers la limite du Miocène moyen et du Miocène supérieur est gouverné par la tectonique de failles en extension.


p. 205


b) Les encoches holocènes de Crète occidentale

Sur les côtes calcaires accores de Crète, occidentale, des encoches marines très fraîches, surélevées, sont souvent très visibles. Il y a longtemps qu' elles ont été remarquées et mises en relation avec des vestiges antiques soulevés comme l'ancien port de Fa-lasarna aujourd' hui émergé, qui remonte à l' époque hellénistique tardive. Aux descriptions de Spratt (1865) est venue s' ajouter l' étude détaillée Dermitzakis (1973a).

Les variations altimetriques des' anciens rivages historiques de Crète occidentale ayant été décrites à maintes reprises, il n' en sera pas question ici en détail. Le lecteur peut consulter les travaux de Spratt (1865), Dermitzakis (1973ß).



Dr. Miguel Telles Antunes, Professor of Stratigraphy of New Lisbon University (Head of Geology Department, Universidade Nova de Lisboa), writes (19/2/1983):


…It is also obvious his interesting research, with 51 titles in 13 years. His papers cover a wide spectrum of themes, i.e.:

1.       Neogene stratigraphy, including its sedimetological aspects

2.       Pleistocene stratigraphy, sedimentology and tectonics

3.       Invertebrate Paleontology

4.       Vertebrate Paleontology

5.       Speleology

6.       Paleoecology and Paleoenvironments

7.       Paleogeography

8.       Sedimentology


This very broad character of fields of interest is particularly noteworthy in an epoch of high specialization; this is positive as there is often a lack of researchers able to reach a comprehensive approach and to make a real synthesis of so many scattered data.


Dr. A. Azzarolli, Academic, Professor of Paleontology of the University of Florence, (Chairman of the Organization Committee of Biogeographical Aspects of Insularity, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei), writes (23/5/1987):


I would like to express again my sincere congratulations for your fascinating lecture, which proved once more the well-known broadness of your knowledge and scientific capabilities. The results of your research in and out of the Aegean area, that you presented to us, show a hard and remarkable work of many years.



Dr. Maria Bianca Cita, Academic, Professor of Geology and Paleontology of the University of Milano (Ordinary Professor of Geology, Università degli studi di Milano, Istituto di Geologia), writes (13/7/1983):


     I know Mr. Dermitzakis since several years, and met him in Greece, and in various European cities, in occasion of important scientific meetings and/or congresses. His presentations I heard were consistently of high level, convincing and well presented. I noticed the continuous progress in his scientific achievements, with special reference to the study of Tertiary stratigraphy of Greece and nearby areas.



Dr. A. R. Fortuin, Professor of Marine Geology and Sedimentology of the Free University of Amsterdam writes in his thesis entitled: A. R. Fortuin, (1977). “Stratigraphy and sedimentary history of the Neogene deposits in the Ierapetra region, Eastern Crete”, G.U.A. papers of Geology, ser.1, No 8, p.164.


p. 15


In 1969 Dermitzakis published a detailed study of the Neogene-Pleistocene mollusk faunas from 31 localities in the surroundings of Ierapetra, with a 1:25.000 geological map, illustrating the distribution of the three main lithological units. The author mentioned a continuous Mio-Pliocene succession. He also noted the strong resemblance of the Middle Miocene invertebrate faunas of the Ierapetra districts and other Cretan areas with those of the Vienna basin, the Aquitaine basin and Piemont….

…More recently, Dermitzakis focused his attention on Pleistocene deposits in the SE Sitia  district…

… In 1974 Dermitzakis discussed recent tectonic movements and old strandlines on the coasts of Crete…



p. 122


…Somewhat older beach rocks, raised at a slightly higher level, are found in the outskirts of the town. The latter, and also the remnants of Minoan sites presently found several metres below sea level, are indicative of differential displacements in historic time ( see also Dermitzakis, 1975)…



Dr. L. Ginsbourg, Director of Natural History Museum of Paris, (Maître de Conférence au Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle Paris), writes (15/3/1983):


La personnalité de Michael Dermitzakis est bien connue et appréciée de tous ceux qui s’intéressent aux problèmes de la Méditerranée orientale et tout particulièrement ceux de la Grèce. Doue d’une grande curiosité d’esprit. M. Dermitzakis n’a jamais voulu, des ses premiers travaux, rester cantonne dans les étroites limites d’une spécialité et a compris que les grands problèmes scientifiques ne peuvent être resoles que par l’éclairage combine de différentes approches disciplinaires. Aussi, s’intéressant a la Crète, son pays, et a l’arc égéen son pays et a la Grèce totale, son pays, il a toujours pratique la pruridisciplinarite, et recherché des synthèses toujours, plus vastes, alliant sa compétence en microstratigraphie, en tectonique, en paleontology des Invertebreseten paleontology des Vertebres, s’intéressant aux problèmes des migrations, a ceux de l’insularité, a celui des corrélations entre échelles stratigraphiques marine et continental, etc.(…) Dans tous ces domaines, ses publications sont toujours de haute valeur.

Généraux de son temps, il accepte depuis de longues années les responsabilités ingrates d’administration de diverses sociétés ou groupes scientifiques; en particulier, a l’intérieur du Comite de Stratigraphie du Néogène méditerranéen, il a assume la très lourde responsabilité de l’organisation du 7eme Congre du Néogène méditerranéen qui a eu lieu a Athènes en Septembre-octobre 1979. Grâce à tous les membres du Comite, mais surtout grâce à son inlassable et souriante activité, ces Congres  a été une magnifique réussite.



 Dr. Cl. Guernet, Professor of Starigraphy-Sedimentology of P. M. Curie University writes (20/2/1983):


Il est difficile de donner, en quelques lignes, un apergu de l’ouvre, si vaste, de monsieur Dermitzakis. Ses publications sont très nombreuses et abordent à la fois les problèmes de stratigraphie et de Paléontologie. Notamment, le docteur Dermitzakis a largement contribue au développement des l’école hellénique de micropaleontologie. Son approche des problèmes du Néogène –qui occupe de vastesaffeurements en Grèce- est, de toute façon, pluridisciplinaire et lui assure une vision globale sur cette période importante d l’histoire géologique.

Parce qu’ils correspondent plus particulièrement a mes préoccupations scientifiques, j’inciserai ici sur les études suivantes.

1969: Geological Researches of the Neogene deposits of the Hierapetra province in Crete. …qui donne pour la première fois du “bras de mer Néogène de Ierapetra”, une description stratigraphique et paléontologique complète, précise, accompagnée d’une excellente carte géologique.

 1978: Stratigraphy and sedimentary history of the Miocene of Zakynthos island … sene Néogène  est décrite en détail et son inventaire micropaleontologique est scrupuleusement réalise…



Dr. J. R. Hein, Director of Ore Department of the Colorado Geological Survey and Dr. J. Obradovic, Professor of the University of Dubrovnic, Croatia, write in the Edition: J. R. Hein & J. Obradovic (Eds), (1989). “Siliceous Deposits of the Tethys and Pacific Regions”.



p. v


J. R. Hein, as International Group Leader of  IGCP 115 and 187, and J. Obradovic, as organizer of the Yugoslavian Conference, would like to thank all our members for their contributions to the Program and to this book…


p. ix


…M. Dermitzakis…



Dr. V. Jacobshagen, Professor of Geology of the University of Berlin writes in his book Geologie von Griechenland, Gebruder Borntraeger, ss. 1-363, 1986, Stuttgart:

1.       p. 5

«Die Entschluesselung des postorogenen Geschehens in der Aegaeis geht aus von der Entforschung des Jungkaenozoikums..... insbesondere seiner Biostratigraphie (Dermitzakis).


2.       p. 226

«Starker isoliert gelegene Inseln wurden nur von guten Schwimmen erreicht und neigten besonders zu Endemismen (Dermitzakis & Sondaar, 1979)»


3.       p. 237

«Die Schichtenfolge des Neogens auf Kreta documentiert das am eindrucksvollsten. Zwischen mittlerem Miozan und oberem Pliozan lassen sich 10 Folgestadien palaeogeographischer Gliederung erfassen (Meulenkamp, Dermitzakis et al., 1979)»


4.       p. 239

«Auf Zakynthos beginnt das marine Neogen discordant uber mittlerem bis spatem Eozan mit Sedimenten des Aquitanien bis Messinien (Dermitzakis 1979)»



 Dr. B. Keraudren, Professor of Geology of the University of Monaco, writes in  « Quaternaires marines de la Grèce », Bulletin du Musée d’Anthropologie Préhistorique de Monaco, vol. 6, ps. 279, Monaco:

5.       p. 33

« M. Dim. Dermitzakis (1968), importante étude sur le Néogène de l’ éparchie de Ierapetra (Crète orientale) ou 211 espèces de Mollusques (250 variétés) sont recensées»



Dr. C. G. Langereis, Professor of Geophysics and Paleomagnetism of the University of Utrecht, writes in his thesis entitled “Late Miocene Magnetostratigraphy in the Mediterranean”, Geologica Ultraiectina, No.34, p.1-178, 1984, Utrecht:


6.       p. 14

«Crete was chosen because we had detailed information about the Neogene sedimentary-tectonic history (Meulenkamp, Dermitzakis et al., 1979)»


7.       p. 21


The accumulation of terrigenous clastic deposits in graben-like depressions during the Tortonian was followed by an overall submergence and a more calcareous sedimentation after the transition from the Tortonian to the Messinian (Meulenkamp, Dermitzakis et al., 1979..)


8.       p. 21


…These sections are composed of open-marine, homogenous and blue-grey clays with some sandy interbeds. Upwards these clays are followed by an alternating homogenous-laminated marl succession of Messinian age, which in turn is overlaid by a thick sequence of evaporites (Meulenkamp, Dermitzakis  et al., 1979)...



Dr. E. M. Lax, Professor of Paleozoology of Chicago University writes in : Lax, E. M., (1996). A Gazetteer of Cretan Palaeontological Localities, in D.S.Reese (Ed): Pleistocene and Holocene Fauna of Crete and its First Settlers, Prehistory Press, p.1-32.


p. 1


Dermitzakis’ survey (1977) reported that 63 paleontological localities on Crete had been identified and /or explored over the past century. Many of the fossil localities are caves or former caves, though a significant percentage are colluvial deposits….


p. 4

Dermitzakis states that he is doubtful that the thickness reached 5 m, based on the irregular layering of the bones…


p. 15

…Dermitzakis states that the floor of this cave is covered with clay sediments of red-yellow color, loosely connected and devoid of fossils…



Dr. E. Martini, Professor of Paleontology of Frankfurt University, (Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut der Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main), writes (18/4/1983):


Besides his activities in organizing and leading working groups as well as congresses, Prof. Dermitzakis is an outstanding scientist who contributed much to the knowledge of the geology and Paleontology of the Mediterranean.



E. M. Moores, Professor of Geology of the University of California and R. W. Fairbridge, Professor of Geology of the University of Columbia, write:


E. M. Moores & R.W. Fairbridge (Eds), (1997), Encyclopaedia of European and Asian Regional Geology


p. xvii:


«The authorship is worldwide, and in many cases we have been fortunate to have obtained contributions from leading experts»



Dr. A. Ozer, Professor of Geomorphology, Université de Liège, Laboratoire de Géomorphologie et de Géologie du Quaternaire, Liège, writes (22/3/1983):


En tant que Vice-président de la Sous-commission des Lignes de Rivage de l’INQUA pour la Méditerranée et la Mer Noire, je voudrais souligner la très haute valeur de vos publications sur le Quaternaire marin de l’île de Crète et des autres îles grecques.



Dr. J. Senes, Professor of Geology of the University of Bratislava, Chairman of the Regional Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy and Chairman of the IGCP/UNESCO Project No 25, writes (25.2.1978):


In the person of Dr. Michael Dermitzakis there appeared, in the recent years, in the world geology a new, scientifically highly erudite and as to his scientifically-organizational activity extraordinarily active personality.

His works, published in Greek and Holland journals of international importance have caused that many specialists not only from Europe, but also from other continents entered not only into correspondence with him, but approached him also personally



Dr. R. M. Stainforth, Professor of Micropaleontology of the University of Ottava (Canada) writes (20/3/1987):


I recommend him on the grounds of:


1.       the exceptional breadth of his studies and researches, clearly shown in the titles of his publications and in the offices he has held in various societies

2.       the lucidity of expression of his studies and conclusions

3.       the mental and physical energy he puts into his work, never better exemplified than when he led the international conference on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy in Athens in 1979

4.       his genial and cooperative personality



Dr. F. F. Steininger, Professor of Stratigraphy-Paleontology of Vienna University and General Director of the Museum of Natural History Seckenberg (Frankfurt), writes (5/3/1985):


His successful scientific research concentrates on micropaleontology in relation to biostratigraphic problems in Greece, vertebrate (mainly mammals) paleontology in relation to biostatistic-taxonomic studies, paleogeography faunal migrations and insularity problems also seen in relation to reconstruction and evolution of the Aegean archipelago. In this respect he also contributes from the paleontological side tectonic problems like the evolution of the Aegean Area, the Hellenides and the Hellenic Arc-Trench system. Other papers deal with sedimentological and speleological problems and demonstrate the capability of Prof. Dermitzakis.