Research Interests
String theory, field Theory and quantum gravity,
Group's page
- Gauge/Gravity correspondence
- Non-perturbative aspects of gauge and field theories
- Dualities in string and field theories
- Low-energy effective supergravities of superstrings and M-theory
- Fundamental aspects of black-hole physics and cosmology
- Conformal field theories and integrable systems
Short Bio
A three page CV
Postdoctoral fellows/researchers & PhD,
Master & Diploma students (in Greek),
Small projects (3rd year students)
- Diploma in Physics (4 year degree), University of Patras, Greece, 1983-87
- Department of Mathematics, Mathematical Physics Section, VPI, USA, 1987-88
- Ph.D. in Theoretical High Energy Physics, USC, Los Angeles, USA, 1988-93
Research Positions:
- Postdoctoral Fellow, ITP, Univ. of Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1993-96
- CERN Fellow, 1997-99
- Maitre-assistant, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland, 1999-2002
Military service, 1996-97
Academic Positions:
- University of Patras,
Department of Engineering Sciences, Greece,
Associate Professor (2002-05) and Professor (2006-13)
- Professor & Group leader, University of Surrey,
Department of Mathematics, UK, 2012-13
- Professor, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens,
Department of Physics, Greece, 2014-
- Hellenic Open University, 2006-present
- CERN Associate
Research Activity
Προς υποψήφιους φοιτητές/τριες (Διπλωματικές, Διδακτορικό)
Lecture Notes in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
Κβαντομηχανική (3ο έτος, μέρος ΙΙ)
Μαθηματικές μέθοδοι (3ο & 4ο έτος)
Classical Electrodynamics
Group theory (3rd & 4th year students)
Conformal Field Theory (4th year and Master students)