@article{Corneli2010IJMp345370, title = {{The relation between rigid-analytic and algebraic deformation parameters for {A}rtin-{S}chreier-{M}umford curves}}, author = {Cornelissen, Gunther and Kato, Fumiharu and Kontogeorgis, Aristides}, file = {ckkIsrael.pdf}, volume = {180}, pages = {345{--}370}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11856-010-0107-9}, doi = {10.1007/s11856-010-0107-9}, year = {2010}, journal = {Israel J. Math.}, abstract = {We consider three examples of families of curves over a non- archimedean valued field which admit a non-trivial group action. These equivariant deformation spaces can be described by algebraic parameters (in the equation of the curve), or by rigid-analytic parameters (in the Schottky group of the curve). We study the relation between these parameters as rigid-analytic self-maps of the disk}, issn = {0021-2172} }