@article{Koeck2012ALFp10151043, title = {{Quadratic Differentials and Equivariant Deformation Theory of Curves}}, author = {Koeck, Benrhard and Kontogeorgis, Aristides}, file = {fourier.pdf}, volume = {62}, pages = {1015{--}1043}, url = {http://aif.cedram.org/item?id=AIF_2012__62_3_1015_0}, year = {2012}, journal = {Annales de L'institut Fourier}, abstract = {Given a finite p-group G acting on a smooth projective curve X over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic p, the dimension of the tangent space of the associated equivariant deformation functor is equal to the dimension of the space of coinvariants of G acting on the space V of global holomorphic quadratic differentials on X. We apply known results about the Galois module structure of Riemann-Roch spaces to compute this dimension when G is cyclic or when the action of G on X is weakly ramified. Moreover we determine certain subrepresentations of V, called p-rank representations.}, issn = {}, number = {3} }