@article{Kontoge2007ANTp119161, title = {{On the tangent space of the deformation functor of curves with automorphisms}}, author = {Kontogeorgis, Aristides}, file = {ant-v1-n2-p01-s.pdf}, volume = {1}, pages = {119{--}161}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.2140/ant.2007.1.119}, doi = {10.2140/ant.2007.1.119}, year = {2007}, journal = {Algebra Number Theory}, abstract = {We provide a method to compute the dimension of the tangent space to the global infinitesimal deformation functor of a curve together with a subgroup of the group of automorphisms. The computational techniques we developed are applied to several examples including Fermat curves, p-cyclic covers of the affine line and to Lehr-Matignon curves}, issn = {1937-0652}, number = {2} }