@article{Konstan2009CMBp583597, title = {{Computing polynomials of the {R}amanujan {$t_n$} class invariants}}, author = {Konstantinou, Elisavet and Kontogeorgis, Aristides}, file = {ramanujan.pdf}, volume = {52}, pages = {583{--}597}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.4153/CMB-2009-058-6}, doi = {10.4153/CMB-2009-058-6}, year = {2009}, journal = {Canad. Math. Bull.}, abstract = {We compute the minimal polynomials of the Ramanujan values tn , where n = 11 mod 24, using Shimura reciprocity law. These polynomials can be used for defining the Hilbert class field of the imaginary quadratic field {\char8474}({\char8722}n{\char8254}{\char8254}{\char8254}{\mbox{$\surd$}}), and have much smaller coeffcients than the Hilbert polynomials}, issn = {0008-4395}, number = {4} }