@article{Goundar2014BCP_TYAp24, title = {The Yokonuma-Temperley-Lieb Algebra}, author = {Goundaroulis, Demos and Juyumaya, Jesus and Kontogeorgis, Aristides and Lambropoulou, Sofia}, file = {YTL09.08.14.pdf}, volume = {103}, pages = {24}, url = {http://journals.impan.gov.pl/bc/}, year = {2014}, journal = {Banach Center Publications}, abstract = {In this paper we introduce the Yokonuma{--}Temperley{--}Lieb algebra as a quotient of the Yokonuma{--}Hecke algebra over a two-sided ideal generated by an expression analogous to the one of the classical Temperley-Lieb algebra. The main theorem provides necessary and sufficient conditions for the Markov trace defined on the Yokonuma{--}Hecke algebra to pass through to the quotient algebra, leading to a sequence of knot invariants which coincide with the Jones polynomial.} }