Kostas Mylonas


in "Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology"


Department of Psychology

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens


Congress presentations (only presentations in English are listed here; 47 other presentations in Greek have been ommitted)

1.      Quality of life and psychological problems of children in end state renal disease (Corfu, September 1994). 24th European Congress of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.

2.      The Measurement of Personal Values: Psychometric Adaptation of the Study of Values Test for the Greek Population (Athens, Greece, July 1995). 4th European Congress of Psychology.

3.      Standardization of the WISC-III in Greece (Graz, Austria, June 1999). In J. Georgas’ symposium, Adaptation and Standardization of the WISC-III in Different Cultures. Joint European Conference of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology and the International Test Commission: "Cultural Diversity and European Integration".

4.      The Factor Structure of the Greek WISC-III (Patras, Greece, August 1999,). 5th European Congress for Psychological Assessment.

5.      Order effects and the Rokeach Value Survey: Greek form and possible implications (Patras, Greece, August 1999). 5th European Congress for Psychological Assessment.

6.      Creative Thinking assessment and its application: the case of a Greek primary school population (Spetses, Greece, September 1999). 9th European Congress on Developmental Psychology.

7.      Special needs as perceived by education department students undergoing special counselling seminars: psychological and social correlates (Thessaloniki, May 2000). International Congress on "Counselling in the new millenium: meeting the challenges of diversity and promoting peace and social inclusion".

8.      Greek gifted students identification: the assignment of giftedness traits in relation to the nomination procedure by teachers (Debrecen, Hungary, August 2000). 7th European Conference for High Abilities.

9.      How similar and different are families cross-culturally?: A multi-level analysis (Winchester, UK, July 2001). In F.J.R. van de Vijver’s symposium Methodological Issues in Cross-Cultural studies: Empirical Examples. 5th European Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, "Capitalizing on Diversity".

10. Revision of the self-consciousness scale: track and field athletes (Skiathos, Greece, May 2001). 10th World Congress of Sport Psychology.

11. Τhe gifted as viewed by teachers, university students and parents: attitudes and educational values for the gifted (Rhodes, Greece, October 2002). 8th European Conference for High Abilities.

12. An alternative approach to Cultural Bias analysis (Budapest, Hungary, July 2003). 6th European Congress for Cross Cultural Psychology (IACCP) "Cultures in Interaction".

13. Dual Career family structure in Greece: A cultural perspective (Budapest, Hungary, July 2003). 6th European Congress for Cross Cultural Psychology (IACCP) "Cultures in Interaction".

14. Indigenous analysis of the Greek family (Budapest, Hungary, July 2003). In J. Georgas' Symposium Culture, family and psychological functioning: a 30 nation study. 6th European Congress for Cross Cultural Psychology (IACCP) "Cultures in Interaction".

15. Assessment of Self-Consciousness in the Greek population and applications in athletic settings. (Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2003). XIth European Congress of Sport Psychology.

16. Exploring for an alternative method in reducing metric bias in cross-cultural factor analysis. (Xi’an, China, August 2004). 17th International Congress for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP).

17. Dimensions of Social Axioms: A cross-cultural perspective. In M. H. Bond's Symposium The Functioning of Social Axioms in various nations (Xi’an, China, August 2004). 17th International Congress for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP).

1.      Students' Career Development and Occupational Choices in relation to Personal, Familial and Educational Variables (Athens, Greece, July 2005,). In D. Sidiropoulou-Dimakakou’s Symposium The Role of School and Family in Educational and Career Decision Making of Students: Reality Reflection and Intervention Proposals. 27th ISPA Conference.

2.      Gifted Students’ Creative and Perceptual Thinking Characteristics (Athens, Greece, July 2005). 27th ISPA Conference.

3.      Self-Esteem and Educational-Professional Choices of T.E.E. Students (Spetses, Greece, July 2006). 18th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP).

4.      Secondary Education Students’ Values regarding the European Family, Marriage and Religiosity in Greece (Spetses, Greece, July 2006). 18th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP).

5.      National and European Identity of Bulgarian and Dutch Students (Spetses, Greece, July 2006). 18th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP).

6.      Cross-Cultural Factor Analysis: Re-Evaluation of a Metric Bias Reduction Method (Spetses, Greece, July 2006). In K. Mylonas’ symposium Metric Issues and Cross-Cultural Research. 18th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP).

7.      Psychometric Adaptation of the Furnham "Reasons of Unemployment" Questionnaire for the Greek Population (Thessaloniki, Greece, May, 2007). 9th European Conference on Psychological Assessment.

8.      The Factor Structure of the Greek Test for Psychosocial Adjustment and Learning Disabilities: Confirmatory factor analysis modeling for the Greek norm (July 2008, Oviedo, Spain). 3rd European Congress of Methodology.

9.      Learning Disabilities Assessment through a Psychosocial Adjustment Test (Liverpool, UK, July 2008). 6th Conference of the International Test Commission "The impact of testing on peaople and society: Enhancing the value of test use".

10. A "third" path in factor equivalence testing: relating work values Cluster membership with Person-Job Fit factor structures at the Individual level (Bremen, Germany, July 2008). In K. Mylonas’ & A. Gari’s Invited Symposium Work Values and Person-Job Fit: The European Values Study data in 33 countries and the  Psychometric Properties of Person-Job Fit scale in four European countries. 19th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology.

28. Developing screening tests for learning disabilities for Greek preschool and primary school children (Valletta, Malta, July 2009). 31st ISPA Conference: School Psychology for Diversity.

29. Semantic organization and learning: data from the standardization of the "Learning and Categorization Test for Kindergarten and Primary School Children" (Valletta, Malta, July 2009). 31st ISPA Conference: School Psychology for Diversity.

30. Explanations of Unemployment: an eight-country study on factor equivalence. (Melbourne, Australia, July 2010). 20th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology.

31. Family Values in Greece: preliminary findings for two waves (October 2010). 3rd EVS Workshop in Bilbao, Spain.

32. Statistical clustering of countries and structure equivalence for clustered and non-clustered solutions (July 2012). 21st International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. Stellenbosch, South Africa.

33. Reducing bias in terms of culture: An eight-country study on Explanations of Unemployment (July 2012). 8th International Test Commission Conference, Amsterdam.

34. Social Skills Scale for the Greek Population: Psychometic properties and factor structure (July 2012). 8th International Test Commission Conference, Amsterdam.

35. Perceived Self Efficacy In Career: A New Scientific Research Approach In Career Guidance And Counseling For Sustainable Employment. (October 2012) IAEVG International Conference, Manheim – Germany.

36. Primary schools teachers’ burnout and affective commitment in schools with Rom/Gypsies students: stereotyping and stigmatization dimensions (July, 2014). IACCP 22, Reims, France.

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