Kostas Mylonas


in "Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology"


Department of Psychology

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens



Theses, Lecture Notes, Textbooks, Psychometric tests

·        Mylonas, Κ. (1991). M.Sc. Thesis,  University College London.

·        Mylonas, K.L. (1994, in Greek) Ph..D. Thesis, the University of Athens.

·        Mylonas, Κ.  (1999, in Greek). Lecture Notes for the Psychometrics I course.

·        Halman, L. et al. (2001) (co-author). The European Values Study: A third wave. Tilburg, EVS-WORC.

·        Danassis-Afentakis, Α., Michalis, Α,. Mylonas, Κ., Spanos, G. & Fοuntopoulou, Μ-Ζ. (2002, in Greek). Language Aptitude: Theory and Applications. Athens: Grigoris.

·        Economou, A., Besevegis, El., Mylonas, Κ., & Varlokosta, Sp. (2007, in Greek). Language and Speech Test.
Test Description; Manual of Directions and Techical Manual; Seminar presentation).

·        Besevegis, El., Economou, Al., & Mylonas, Κ. (2007, in Greek). Memory Test.
                  (Test Description; Manual of Directions and Techical Manual; Seminar presentation).

·        Economou, Al. Besevegis, El., Mylonas, Κ., & Polichroni, F. (2007, in Greek). Learning Test.
                 (Test Description; Manual of Directions and Techical Manual; Seminar presentation).

·        Hatzichristou, Chr., Besevegis, El.., Polichroni, F., & Mylonas, Κ. (2007, in Greek). Psychosocial Adaptation Test.
                 (Test Description; Manual of Directions and Techical Manual; Seminar presentation).

·        Gari A. & Mylonas, K. (Eds.) (2009) Quod Erat Demonstrandum: From Herodotus’ Ethnographic Journeys to Cross-Cultural Research. Athens, Pedio Books Publishing.

·        Gari A. & Mylonas, K. (Eds.) (e-book, 2011) Quod Erat Demonstrandum: From Herodotus’ Ethnographic Journeys to Cross-Cultural Research. International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. www.iaccp.org/Spetses  (Publications, e-books, Online resources).

·        Mylonas, Κ.  (2012, in Greek). Statistics Theory and Applications using MS-Excel. Athens, Pedio Books Publishing.

·        Mylonas, Κ.  (2017, in Greek). Inferential Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences . To be published by Pedio Books Publishing.

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