Kostas Mylonas


in "Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology"


Department of Psychology

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens



Associations - Reviewer in Scientific Journals




·     Hellenic Psychological Association (ELPSE);  coordinator of the Cross-Cultural Psychology branch (2009-2011).

·     Hellenic Association for the Psychological Hygiene and Neuropsychiatry of the Child; Secretary General (2004-2007).

·     Hellenic Association for the Promotion of Education for the Creative, Gifted, Talented Children and Adolsescents (www.gifted.gr); member of the Executive Committee since 2005 and Chair of the EC (2011-2013).

·     European Association of Psychological Assessment.

·     International Test Commission.

·     International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology; member of the Executive Committee and Regional Representative for Europe (2008-2010) & (2011-2014).


  Reviewer in Scientific Journals

·     "International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation"; APA Official Journal (Division 52);  member of the Editorial Board (since 2011).

·     "International Journal of Testing" (Routledge journal); consulting reviewer since 2011.

·     "Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology" (Sage journal); consulting reviewer since 2006.

·     "Psychological Reports" (AmSci journal); consulting reviewer since 2008.

·     "Perceptual and Motor Skills" (AmSci journal); consulting reviewer since 2008.

·     "Educational and Psychological Measurement" (Sage Journal); Consulting reviewer since 2012.

·     "Learning and Individual Differences" (Elsevier Journal); Consulting reviewer since 2012.

·     "Vima Koinonikon Epistimon"; consulting reviewer since 2007.

·     "Psychology", the Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Association; consulting reviewer since 2002.


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