National Kapodistrian University of Athens
Dr. Stephanos Kilias (born 20 March 1958) received his M.Sc. in Economic Geology from University of Ottawa, Canada, and his Ph.D. in Economic Geology from Copenhagen University, Denmark; then he did postdoc research (research visitor) in Raman analysis of fluid inclusions at CREGU, Nancy-France, and, stable and radiogenic isotope analysis at University of Utrecht, and British Geological Survey, Notts, U.K. He is an Assoc. Professor of Economic Geology-Geochemistry of Ore Deposits at National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA, Greece).
He is actively involved in a variety of research areas spanning from biomineralogy and biogeochemistry, to classical metallogenetic-models, of ore deposits. For this purposes he is mainly using field mapping, ore microscopy, electron microscopies, fluid inclusion microthermometry and stable isotope geochemistry, and various spectroscopies (i.e. STXM). He is fellow member of the Society of Economic Geologists(SEG), and the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA), and responsible for the Fluid Inclusion Microthermometry Lab of the Department of Geology and Geoenvironment, NKUA.
Research Interests
My main research interests are
- Biomineralization, Biogeochemistry, and (Bio)Metallogenesis in Extant and Extinct Shallow-Sea Hydrothermal Vents,
Hellenic Volcanic Arc.
Microbially mediated precipitation of sulfide and oxide minerals, plus native metals, and biogeochemical cycling, of the
“epithermal suite of elements” (i.e. Au, Ag, As, Sb, Hg, Tl) plus Fe and Mn, in Milos and Santorini-Kolumbo. Mineralized
microbial fossils preserved in hydrothermal sulfide ores, and Fe(Mn)-formations. Microbial mats, biominerals and ore deposits
- Biogenesis and Environmental Significance of Mn- and Fe-oxides in Natural Geological Systems-Mineralized Microbially Induced
Sedimentary Structures (MISS) and Stromatolites in non carbonate sediments and sedimentary rocks.
I have been studying Iron(Fe) and manganese(Mn) mineralized microbial mats in siliciclastic depositional settings and
relationship to Fe-Mn ore deposit formation, in Milos island. Interdisciplinary approaches have been used to deciphering Mn- and
Fe-biomineralization processes in the geological record: (i) geological and geochemical plausibility(field mapping, ICP-MS), (ii) microbial fossil
bioindicators(SEM-EDS, SEM-WDS, STXM, HR-TEM), (iii) organic biomarkers (molecular fossils) as indicators of microbial activity(GC-MS),
(iv) stable isotopes (δ18Ο, δ34S)(MS) as recorders of microbial processes,(v) nanocrystalline biominerals as scavengers of heavy metals
(HR-TEM, SEM-WDS)(e.g. As, Zn, Pb).
- Metallogenesis of Precious and Base Metal Ores associated with emergent volcanoes, and exhumation of metamorphic core
complexes, in the Aegean realm.
Conceptual models for the evolution of magmato-hydrothermal systems, and genesis of hybrid volcanic-hosted massive sulfide and epithermal
precious metal mineralization in the emergent volcanic archipelago of Milos. Relationship of metamorphic core complex exhumation
and extensional detachment faults to carbonate-hosted base metal and submicroscopic gold deposits in the Greek Rhodope.
- Fluid iclusion microthermometry and hydrothermal alteration of volcanic-hosted Au-Cu high-sulfidation epithermal deposits
in the Greek Rhodope.
Student Research Projects
Students who are interested in working with me may contact me directly
Recent Research Projects
- Understanding sulfide biomineralization and biogeochemistry in active shallow-sea hydrothermal fields —the example of the Kolumbo submarine arc-volcano natural laboratory, Hellenic Volcanic Arc
- Advancing understanding of volcanic processes and hazards using an integrated Earth Observation approach
- Metallogenesis, biomineralization and fluid biogeochemistry in emergent volcanoes—the example of the Milos natural palaeo-geothermal laboratory, Hellenic Volcanic Arc
- Occurrence of gold, hydrothermal alteration, and fluid inclusions in epithermal volcanic hosted Au-Cu ores in NE Greece
- Economic Geology-Geochemistry of Ore Deposits
- Metallogenetic Models of Hydrothermal Ore Deposits
- Fluid Inclusion Microthermometry
- Methods of Mineral Deposit Exploration and Evaluation
- Biomineralization, Ore Deposits and the Environment (post-graduate)