FIRST AUTHORS

Zouros E.

Zouros, E., K. R. Freeman, A. O. Ball and G. H. Pogson. 1992. Direct evidence for extensive paternal mitochondrial

DNA inheritance in the marine mussel Mytilus. Nature. 359(6394): 412-4. HERE


Zouros, E., A. O. Ball, C. Saavedra and K. R. Freeman. 1994. An unusual type of mitochondrial DNA inheritance in the

blue mussel Mytilus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 91(16): 7463-7. HERE


Zouros, E., A. O. Ball, C. Saavedra and K. R. Freeman. 1994. Mitochondrial DNA inheritance. Nature. 368(6474): 818. HERE


Zouros, E. 2000. The exceptional mitochondrial DNA system of the mussel family Mytilidae. Genes Genet. Syst.

75(6): 313-8. Review. HERE


Zouros, E. 2013. Biparental inheritance through uniparental transmission: the Doubly Uniparental Inheritance (DUI)

of mitochondrial DNA. Evol. Biol. 40(1): 1-31. HERE