Georgios Linardopoulos

Mathematics Genealogy Project  

My articles on MathSciNet

My articles on arXiv

My articles on iNSPIRE-HEP

My articles on NASA/ADS

My articles on Google Scholar

Publications in refereed international journals (16)

[1]. M. de Leeuw, C. Kristjansen, G. Linardopoulos, M. Volk, B-type anomaly coefficients for the D3-D5 domain wall, Phys.Lett. B846 (2023) 138235 [arXiv:2307.10946].

[2]. G. Georgiou, G. Linardopoulos, D. Zoakos, Holographic correlators of semiclassical states in defect CFTs, Phys.Rev. D108 (2023) 046016 [arXiv:2304.10434].

[3]. Z. Bajnok, G. Linardopoulos, I. M. Szécsényi, I. Vona, Finite volume form factors in integrable theories, JHEP 02 (2024) 083 [arXiv:2304.09135].

[4]. G. Linardopoulos, String integrability of the ABJM defect, JHEP 06 (2022) 033 [arXiv:2202.06824].

[5]. M. Axenides, E. Floratos, D. Katsinis, G. Linardopoulos, Cascade of instabilities in the classical limit of the BMN matrix model, Phys.Rev. D104 (2021) 106002 [arXiv:2109.01088].

[6]. G. Linardopoulos, K. Zarembo, String integrability of defect CFT and dynamical reflection matrices, JHEP 05 (2021) 203 [arXiv:2102.12381].

[7]. M. de Leeuw, T. Gombor, C. Kristjansen, G. Linardopoulos, B. Pozsgay, Spin chain overlaps and the twisted Yangian, JHEP 01 (2020) 176 [arXiv:1912.09338].

[8]. M. de Leeuw, C. Kristjansen, G. Linardopoulos, Scalar one-point functions and matrix product states of AdS/dCFT, Phys.Lett. B781 (2018) 238 [arXiv:1802.01598].

[9]. M. Axenides, E. Floratos, G. Linardopoulos, Multipole stability of spinning M2-branes in the classical limit of the BMN matrix model, Phys.Rev. D97 (2018) 126019 [arXiv:1712.06544].

[10]. M. Axenides, E. Floratos, G. Linardopoulos, M2-brane dynamics in the classical limit of the BMN matrix model, Phys.Lett. B773 (2017) 265 [arXiv:1707.02878].

[11]. M. de Leeuw, C. Kristjansen, G. Linardopoulos, One-point functions of non-protected operators in the SO(5) symmetric D3-D7 dCFT, J.Phys. A: Math.Theor. 50 (2017) 254001 [arXiv:1612.06236].

[12]. J. Hoppe, G. Linardopoulos, O. T. Turgut, New minimal hypersurfaces in R(k+1)(2k+1) and S(2k+3)k, Math.Nachr. 290 (2017) 2874 [arXiv:1602.09101].

[13]. M. Axenides, E. Floratos, G. Linardopoulos, The omega-infinity limit of single spikes, Nucl.Phys. B907 (2016) 323 [arXiv:1511.03587].

[14]. E. Floratos, G. Linardopoulos, Large-spin and large-winding expansions of giant magnons and single spikes, Nucl.Phys. B897 (2015) 229 [arXiv:1406.0796].

[15]. E. Floratos, G. Georgiou, G. Linardopoulos, Large-spin expansions of GKP strings, JHEP 03 (2014) 018 [arXiv:1311.5800].

[16]. M. Axenides, E. Floratos, G. Linardopoulos, Stringy membranes in AdS/CFT, JHEP 08 (2013) 089 [arXiv:1306.0220].

Publications in conference proceedings (3)

[1]. M. Axenides, E. Floratos, D. Katsinis, G. Linardopoulos, M-theory as a dynamical system generator, C. H. Skiadas, Y. Dimotikalis (eds). 13th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference (CHAOS 2020) 73, Springer Proceedings in Complexity [arXiv:2007.07028].

[2]. G. Linardopoulos, Solving holographic defects, PoS (CORFU2019) 141 [arXiv:2005.02117].

[3]. G. Linardopoulos, Large-spin expansions of giant magnons, PoS (CORFU2014) 154 [arXiv:1502.01630]

Doctoral dissertation

G. Linardopoulos, Classical strings and membranes in the AdS/CFT correspondence, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, June 2015 [Thesis-English.pdf], [Thesis-Greek.pdf], [Slides-Greek.pdf].

Posters (5)

[1]. Brane integrability in AdS/CFT. String Math 2022 conference. University of Warsaw, 11-15/07/2022.

[2]. String integrability in AdS/dCFT. Strings 2021 conference (virtual). ICTP-SAIFR São Paulo, 25/06/2021 [poster].

[3]. Scalar one-point functions in AdS/dCFT. Integrability in Gauge and String Theory (IGST-2018) conference. University of Copenhagen, 20/08/2018.

[4]. Scalar one-point functions in AdS/dCFT. Workshop on higher-point correlation functions and integrable AdS/CFT. Hamilton Mathematics Institute – Trinity College Dublin, 17/04/2018 [poster].

[5]. One-point functions in D3-D7 dCFT. Integrability in Gauge and String Theory (IGST-2017) conference. École Normale Supérieure, Paris 17/07/2017 [poster].

Presentations in international conferences/workshops/schools (17)

[1]. String integrability in brane-deformed holography. Holography and the swampland workshop. Corfu Summer Institute, 05/09/2022.

[2]. String integrability of defect CFT and dynamical reflection matrices. New mathematical methods in solvable models and gauge/string dualities. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Varna 15/08/2022 [slides].

[3]. String integrability in brane-deformed holography. Integrability, dualities and deformations conference. Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, 05/08/2022 [slides].

[4]. String integrability of defect CFT and dynamical reflection matrices. String Math 2022 conference. University of Warsaw, 13/07/2022.

[5]. String integrability of defect CFT and dynamical reflection matrices. 12th Crete regional meeting in String Theory. Kolymbari – Crete, 04/07/2022 [slides].

[6]. M-theory as a dynamical system generator. 13th international conference on chaos (virtual). Florence, 12/06/2020.

[7]. Solving holographic defects. 10th Crete regional meeting in String Theory. Kolymbari – Crete, 21/09/2019 [slides].

[8]. Solving holographic defects. Conference on recent developments in strings and gravity. Corfu Summer Institute, 15/09/2019 [slides].

[9]. Solving holographic defects. Xmas Theoretical Physics workshop @Athens 2018. National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, 21/12/2018 [slides].

[10]. Nested one-point functions in AdS/dCFT. Workshop on higher-point correlation functions and integrable AdS/CFT. Hamilton Mathematics Institute – Trinity College Dublin, 16/04/2018 [slides].

[11]. One-point functions in D3-D7 dCFT. Young researchers integrability school and workshop. Trinity College Dublin, 03/03/2017 [slides].

[12]. Dielectric-top membranes in plane-wave backgrounds. Aspects of membrane dynamics conference. Nordita, Stockholm 13/06/2016.

[13]. The omega-infinity limit of single spikes. Xmas Theoretical Physics workshop @Athens 2015. National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, 22/12/2015 [slides].

[14]. Large-spin expansions of giant magnons. Workshop on quantum fields and strings. Corfu Summer Institute, 17/09/2014 [slides].

[15]. Dispersion relation of GKP strings. Summer school on String Theory and holography & Mathematica summer school on Theoretical Physics (6th Edition). Departamento de Física e Astronomia of Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto (FCUP), 24/07/2014 [talk file].

[16]. Stringy membranes in AdS/CFT. Holography 2013: Gauge/gravity duality and strongly correlated systems workshop. Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP), Pohang (South Korea) 15/06/2013.

[17]. Rotating strings and membranes in AdS/CFT. Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and relativistic spacetime workshop. National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, 26/09/2012 [slides].

Talks & seminars (45)

[1]. B-type anomaly coefficients of holographic defects. Mathematics/String Theory (MS) seminar. Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU Tokyo), 25/06/2024.

[2]. B-type anomaly coefficients of holographic defects (hybrid seminar). NKUA HEP seminar. National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, 20/05/2024.

[3]. String integrability of defect CFT and dynamical reflection matrices. LPTHE seminar. Paris 05/04/2024.

[4]. Solving holographic defects. [Part I: Weak coupling methods/Part II: Integrability/Part III: Strong coupling methods]. APCTP seminar. Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, Pohang 14, 21 & 28/02/2024.

[5]. Holographic correlators of semiclassical states in defect CFTs (hybrid seminar). String Theory Seminar. Korea Institute of Advanced Study (KIAS), Seoul 07/12/2023.

[6]. Holographic correlators of semiclassical states in defect CFTs. String Theory Group Meeting. Kyung Hee University, Seoul 06/12/2023.

[7]. Solving holographic defects. 7th APCTP Alumni Scientific Symposium. Lahan Hotel Gyeongju, 06/11/2023.

[8]. New materials and the holographic principle. 1st APCTP Fellow workshop, Lahan hotel Pohang 04/11/2023.

[9]. Modelling topological materials with D-branes. Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Physics of Complex Systems (PCS) group retreat 2023. Jecheon Resom Forest, 12/10/2023.

[10]. Holographic correlators of semiclassical states in defect CFTs. Holographic QFT group meeting. Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Institute for Particle & Nuclear Physics, Budapest 15/06/2023.

[11]. String theory methods for defect CFTs. Nordita HEP Group Meeting. Nordita, 22/03/2023.

[12]. String integrability of defect CFT and dynamical reflection matrices. Joint seminar of the Mathematical Physics (U. Wien) and the Fundamental Interactions (TU Wien) group. Technische Universität Wien, 08/11/2022.

[13]. String integrability of defect CFT and dynamical reflection matrices. Theoretical Physics seminar. Trinity College Dublin, 30/05/2022.

[14]. String integrability of defect CFT and dynamical reflection matrices. Budapest integrability day. Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest 19/04/2022.

[15]. M-theory as a dynamical system generator. Institute of Nuclear & Particle Physics annual meeting (virtual). National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Athens 04/02/2022.

[16]. Solving holographic defects (hybrid seminar). Theoretical department seminar. Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Institute for Particle & Nuclear Physics, Budapest 12/11/2021.

[17]. String integrability of defect CFT and dynamical reflection matrices. HEP 2021: Recent developments in High Energy Physics and Cosmology (virtual). Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 19/06/2021.

[18]. String integrability of defect CFT and dynamical reflection matrices (virtual seminar). Budapest integrability seminars. Budapest, 13/05/2021.

[19]. M-theory as a dynamical system generator. Institute of Nuclear & Particle Physics annual meeting (virtual). National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Athens 14/01/2021 [slides].

[20]. M-theory as a dynamical system. Institute of Nuclear & Particle Physics annual meeting. National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Athens 15/11/2019 [slides].

[21]. Ολογραφικές ατέλειες και εφαρμογές. Institute of Nuclear & Particle Physics seminar. National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Athens 15/10/2019 [slides].

[22]. Solving holographic defects. Theoretical Physics seminar. Trinity College Dublin, 30/07/2019.

[23]. Solving holographic defects. HEP 2019: Recent developments in High Energy Physics and Cosmology. National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, 19/04/2019 [slides].

[24]. M-theory as a dynamical system (virtual seminar). Institute of Nuclear & Particle Physics annual meeting. National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Athens 14/12/2018 [slides].

[25]. M-theory as a dynamical system. 25th summer school-conference on "Dynamical systems & complexity". National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Athens 10/07/2018 [slides].

[26]. Fonctions de corrélation à 1-point dans la correspondance AdS/dCFT. Séminaire de Physique Théorique. Laboratoire de Mathématiques et Physique Théorique (LMPT), Tours 05/04/2018.

[27]. Scalar one-point functions in AdS/dCFT. HEP 2018: Recent developments in High Energy Physics and Cosmology. National & Technical University of Athens, 30/03/2018 [slides].

[28]. One-point functions in D3-D7 dCFT. CERN-TH journal club on String Theory. Geneva, 11/12/2017.

[29]. Modelling topological materials with D-branes. Institute of Nuclear & Particle Physics annual meeting. National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Athens 16/11/2017 [slides].

[30]. One-point functions in D3-D7 dCFT. Athens inter-institutional meeting in Theoretical High Energy Physics. National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Athens 24/02/2017 [slides].

[31]. One-point functions in D3-D7 dCFT. Theoretical Physics journal club. University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (South Africa) 30/09/2016.

[32]. One-point functions in D3-D7 dCFT. Niels Bohr Institute journal club. Copenhagen, 29/06/2016.

[33]. The omega-infinity limit of single spikes. Theoretical Physics seminar. Uppsala University, 13/04/2016.

[34]. The omega-infinity limit of single spikes. OKC/Nordita High-Energy Physics Theory seminar. Nordita, Stockholm 08/02/2016.

[35]. One-point functions in defect CFTs. Institute of Nuclear & Particle Physics journal club. National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Athens 28/01/2016.

[36]. The omega-infinity limit of single spikes. Niels Bohr Institute journal club. Copenhagen, 04/11/2015.

[37]. Large-spin/winding expansions of giant magnons and single spikes. Niels Bohr Institute. Copenhagen, 03/11/2015.

[38]. The omega-infinity limit of single spikes. High Energy Physics Theory journal club. Department of Nuclear & Particle Physics, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, 09/10/2015.

[39]. Large-spin expansions of giant magnons. HEP 2015: Recent developments in High Energy Physics and Cosmology. National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, 16/04/2015.

[40]. Large-spin expansions of giant magnons. High Energy Physics Theory journal club. Department of Nuclear & Particle Physics, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, 04/11/2014.

[41]. Large-spin expansions of giant magnons. National & Technical University of Athens, 08/07/2014.

[42]. Stringy membranes in AdS/CFT (virtual seminar). 3rd annual meeting of the Institute of Nuclear & Particle Physics. National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Athens 17/06/2013.

[43]. Rotating membranes in curved spacetimes. 2nd annual meeting of the Institute of Nuclear & Particle Physics. National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos” – Athens, 28/05/2012.

[44]. Segal’s chronometric cosmology. Review and applications. National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, 29/05/2009.

[45]. The Higgs boson in the standard model of elementary particles. National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, 03/10/2008.

Outreach talks (2)

[1]. Ολογραφική αρχή και νέα υλικά. 54th Demokritos summer school, National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Athens 04/07/2019.

[2]. Ολογραφική αρχή και νέα υλικά. 53rd Demokritos summer school. National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Athens 05/07/2018 [slides].

Related talks

[1]. Integrability in AdS/CFT, Shota Komatsu (CERN). Strings 2021 conference. ICTP-SAIFR, São Paulo, 29/06/2021 [video].

[2]. Integrability in defect CFT, Konstantin Zarembo (Nordita). Quarks 2020 – online workshops 2021. XXI international seminar on high-energy physics, 04/06/2021 [video].

[3]. Domain walls as integrable boundary states in N=4 SYM, Charlotte Kristjansen (Niels Bohr Institute). Integrability in Gauge and String Theory (IGST) 2020 (virtual). South American Institute for Fundamental Research, Brazil, 27/08/2020 [video].

[4]. AdS/dCFT and integrable boundary states, Charlotte Kristjansen (Niels Bohr Institute). Strings 2020 (virtual). Cape Town – South Africa, 29/07/2020 [video].

[5]. Some minimal submanifolds generalizing the Clifford torus, Jaigyoung Choe (KIAS). Workshop on Mean Curvature and Regularity. Institute of Advanced Study, 05/11/2018 [video].

[6]. Four-dimensional defect CFT and integrable boundary states, Konstantin Zarembo (Nordita). Exactly Solvable Quantum Chains Workshop. International Institute of Physics, Natal – Brazil, 26/06/2018 [video].