Δημόσιο Δίκαιο και Οικονομία


Δίκαιο προστασίας του Χώρου

·         B. Richman - C. Boerner, “A Transaction Cost Economizing Approach to Regulation Understanding the NIMBY Problem and Improving Regulatory Responses”, Yale Journal on Regulation, 2006.29.

·         Roderick M. Hills, Jr – D. Schleicher, “Balancing the 'Zoning Budget'”, New York University School of Law, Public Law & legal Theory Research Paper no. 11-19 and Law & Economics Research Paper no. 11-08, George Mason University School of Law – Law & Economics Research Paper No. 11-18.

·         Μαρία Χατζηπλάτων, «Μια οικονομική προσέγγιση στην αρχή της προφύλαξης».

·         David W. Case, “The Law and Economics of Environmental Information as Regulation”, ELR News & Analysis, 2001.31 ELR 10773.

·         Peter Esaiasson, “Why Citizens (Sometimes) Dispute Public Facility Sitings in Their Neighborhood – An experimental Account of the NIMBY-syndrome”, The 2010 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington.


Δημόσιες Συμβάσεις

·         David Barrus - Frank Scott, “Single Bidders and Tacit Collusion in Highway Procurement Auctions”, 2013.

·         Albert Sánchez Graells, “More Competition – Oriented Public Procurement to Foster Social Welfare”, International Public Conference, Seoul (Korea), 2010.

·         Albert Sánchez Graells, “Prevention and Deterrence of Bid Rigging: A Look From the New EU Directive on Public Procurement”, 2014.

·         Ringa Raudla, “Law and Economic Analysis of the Estonian Public Procurement Act”, 2007

·         Ken Hendricks, R. Preston Mcafee, Michael A. Williams, “Auctions and Bid Rigging”, 2014


Ο ρόλος του Δικαστή

·         Éric Langlais, Nathalie Chappe, “Analyse économique de la resolution des Litiges”, in: Bruno DeffainsÉric LanglaisAnalyse économique du droit – Principes, méthodes, résultats” (ed.), de boeck, 2009.105.

·         Megan Richardson, Gillian Hadfield, “The Second Wave of Law and Economics”, The Federation Press, 1999.

·         Joanna M. Shepherd, “Measuring Maximizing Judges: Empirical Legal Studies, Public Choice Theory, and Judicial Behavior”, Emory University School of Law, Public Law & Legal Theory Research Paper Series (Research Paper No. 11-164), Law & Economics Research Paper Series (Research Paper No. 11-110), διαθέσιμο σε www.ssrn.com


Δίκαιο και Πολιτική Οικονομία

·         Ejan MackaayStéphane Rousseau, “Chapitre 1 Le théorème de Coase”, in: “Méthodes du Droit – Analyse Économique du Droit”, Dalloz 2008.182.

·         Samuel Ferey, “Histoire et Méthodologie de l’ Analyse Économique du Droit Contemporaine”, in: Bruno DeffainsÉric LanglaisAnalyse économique du droit – Principes, méthodes, résultats” (ed.), de boeck, 2009.11.

·         Ejan MackaayStéphane Rousseau, “Chapitre 2 Les rapports entre individus” in: “Méthodes du Droit – Analyse Économique du Droit”, Dalloz 2008.40.

·          R. Posner, “The Rise and Fall of Administrative Law”, Chi.-Kent.L.Rev. 1996-1997.953.

·         E. Tucker, “The Political Economy of Administrative Fairness: A Preliminary Enquiry”, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, 1987.

·         McNollgast, “The Political Economy of Law: Decision – Making bu Judicial, Legislative, Executive and Administrative Agencies”, University of California, San Diego (UCSD) - Division of Social Sciences, 2007.


Public choice

·         E. Mackaay – S. Rousseau, “Chapitre 1 Les individus décideurs”, in: “Méthodes du Droit – Analyse Économique du Droit”, Dalloz 2008.22.

·         J. Mashaw, “Public Law and Public Choice: Critique and Rapprochment”, in: Daniel A. Farber and Anne Joseph O’Connell (ed.), “Research Handbook on Public Choice and Public Law, Research Handbooks in Law and Economics series”, 2010.



·         E. Mackaay – S. Rousseau, “Chapitre 5 L’ ordre politique et le pouvoir”, in: “Méthodes du Droit – Analyse Économique du Droit”, Dalloz 2008.138.

·         C. Bovis, “Financing Services of General Interest in the EU: How do Public Procurement and State Aids Interact to Demarcate between Market Forces and Protection?”, European Law Journal 2005.79.

·         Γ. Δελλής, «Κοινή ωφέλεια και αγορά. Τόμος Α. Το τέλος των διαχωριστικών γραμμών: η ‘αγορακεντρική’ δημόσια ρύθμιση των κοινωφελών δραστηριοτήτων», Εκδ. Αντ. Ν. Σάκκουλα, 2008.85 [«Τίτλος ΙΙ. Ο εθνικός οικονομικός κρατικός υπολογισμός υπό αμφισβήτηση»]

·         Georges Dellis, “Régulation et droit public ‘continental’, Essai d’ une approche synthétique”, RDP 2010.957.

·         Joseph D. Kearney, Thomas W. Merrill, “The Great Transformation of Regulated Industries Law”, Columbia Law Review, 1998.1323.

·         Tonny Prosser, “Public Service Law: Privatization’s Unexpected Offspring”, Law and Contemporary Problems, 2000.63.

·         George J. Stigler, “Public Regulation of the Securities Markets”, The Journal of Business, 1964.721.

·         J. Zopolsky, “Regulating utilities”, Buff.Envtl.L.J, 2003.25.


Βιώσιμη Ανάπτυξη

·         K. J. Arrow, W. R. Cline, K – G. Maler, M. Munasinghe, R. Squitieri, J. E. Stiglitz, “Intertemporal Equity, Discounting, and Economic Efficiency (Chapter 4)”, 1995.

·         Joseph E. Stiglitz, Amartya Sen, Jean – Paul Fitoussi, “Report by the Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress”, διαθέσιμο σε: www.stiglitz-sen-fitoussi.fr 

·         Ana Markulev, Anthea Long, “On sustainability: an economic approach”, Productivity Commission Staff Research Note, 2013.

·         Rachel A. Nugent, “Using economic analysis to measure the sustainability of urban and peri-urban agriculture: A comparison of cost-benefit and contingent valuation analyses”, Workshop on Appropriate Methodologies in Urban Agriculture Research, Planning, Implementation and Evaluation, 2001.

·         Μ. Δεκλερής, «Βιώσιμη Ανάπτυξη και Βιωσιμότητα», 2014.