-7- In one of such experiments(*), the statistical averages of each two datasets thus generated, were seen to balance about the chance expectation. (Statistical Balancing Effect). This result (that was later also reported by other researchers), however intriguing, it basically indicated that there was no overall shift in the statistical average within the entire database.                 Foundations of Quantum Theory and Consciousness (*)  (2003). F. Pallikari, JCS, 10, pp. 199-219,      (1997) Further evidence for a statistical balancing in probabilistic systems influenced      by the anomalous effect of conscious intention. F. Pallikari-Viras, J. Soc. Psych. Res.      62 114-137.      (1998) On the Balancing Effect Hypothesis. In N. Zingrone (ed.) Research in Parapsychology           1993, Metuchen N. J. & London: Scarecrow, 101-102.