Physics of nanostructures and biomaterials
at the Department of Physics, 
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA)
Biophysics: electronic structure, charge transfer and transport in nucleic acids, and other organic systems. Molecular structure. 
Biomaterials: novel oligomers and polymers based on bioelements, carbon allotropes.
Quantum Optics: coherence, Rabi oscillations in mutli-level systems, optical properties of quantum dots, quantum wells, etc, e.g. absorption, emission, with or without magnetic field. 
Spintronics: magnetic properties of diluted magnetic semiconductors and of their nanostructures, critical temperature.
Semiconductor nanostructures: with or without magnetic impurities, thermodynamics, electronic structure, transport.
Using ab initio and tight binding variants.

Current composition (students, postdoctoral fellows, and technicians) of the laboratory

Constantinos Simserides (Associate Professor of Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics),

Konstantinos Lambropoulos (Post-Doctoral free collaborator),

Marilena Mantela (Post-Doctoral free collaborator),

Andreas Morphis (Post-Doctoral free collaborator),

Lazaros Chalcopiadis (MSc free collaborator),

Dimitrios Ntzioras (MSc Diploma Thesis student),

Stefania Kaklamani (BSc free collaborator),

Paul Banev (BSc Diploma Thesis student),

Anastasia Falliera (BSc Diploma Thesis student),

Athanasios Kordas (BSc Diploma Thesis student)


Supervision of post-doctoral researchers, PhD students, MSc students and BSc students

Scientific Supervisor of post-doctoral fellow Dr. Konstantinos Lambropoulos. Charge transfer and transport in open and closed molecular wires made of carbon or carbon - nitrogen. Young Researchers - cycle B, ESF, 01/04/2020 - 30/06/2021.

Scientific Supervisor of post-doctoral fellow Dr. Maria Tassi. Electronic structure, charge transfer, and charge oscillations and optical properties of nucleic acid bases and DNA oligomers or polymers. Fellowship of Excellence for postdoctoral research in Greece, IKY-Siemens, 15/9/2014 -14/9/2016.


Within the Group, I supervised three (3) PhD Theses (A. Morphis, M. Mantela, K. Lambropoulos). I co-supervised (with G. Triberis) the PhD Thesis of A. Zora.

Scientific Supervisor of PhD student Andreas Morphis. Charge transfer in carbynes and DNA nanowires. Successfully examined (excellent) 21 Sep 2023. IKY Fellowship of Excellence for postgraduate studies in Greece - Siemens Program, 1/3/2013-31/8/2016 and Young Researchers - cycle B, ESF, 01/04/2020 - 30/06/2021.

Scientific Supervisor of PhD student Marilena Mantela. Electronic structure of aperiodic and natural nucleic acid segments and influence of mutations in charge transfer and transport properties. Successfully examined (excellent) 22 Mar 2023. IKY PhD Scholarship, 4/04/2018-24/04/2021.

Scientific Supervisor of PhD student Konstantinos Lambropoulos. Energy structure & charge transport-transfer in molecular wires: carbynes, and periodic, deterministic aperiodic and random DNA. Successfully examined (excellent) 12 Feb 2020. HFRI PhD Scholarship, 21/8/2017-30/9/2019.

Scientific Co-Supervisor (with G. P. Triberis) of PhD student Anna Zora. Optical properties of quantum dots. Successfully examined (excellent) 7 Dec 2007.


Supervised 9 MSc Theses [L. Chalkopiadis, P. Bilia, M. Theodorakou, K. Kaklamanis, M. Mantela, Ch. Zacharaki, G. Georgiadis, Ch. Maroulis, K. Lambropoulos]. Now I supervise the MSc Thesis of Dimitrios Ntzioras.


Supervised 29 BSc Theses, co-supervised 5 BSc Theses, formally supervised 2 BSc Theses: A. Tsaros, E. Orfanaki, S. Kaklamani, D. Ntzioras (co-supervisor K. Lambropoulos), P. Glabedaki (or here), N. Margariti, J. Pispas (or here), S. Georgiou, J. Apostolou (or here) (co-supervisor A. M. Alvertis), L. Chalkopiadis (or here), M. Chliara, P. Bilia, Th. Adamantopoulos (or here), F. Amargianou, M. Bazini, D. Nioras (or here), E. Pappas (or here), Ch. Vantaraki (or here), A. Kosma, A.-D. Stefanou, S.-B. Atata, M. Theodorakou, K. Kaklamanis, N. Kamilaris, M. Giotsaliti (supervisor E. Pantelis, NKUA Medical School), D. Manousou (supervisor A. Dimoulas, NCSR Demokritos), M. Chatzieleftheriou, M. Mantela, Sp. Karydis, S. Vasilogamvros, C. Grossler, K. Lambropoulos, A. Avelizos, D. Bronowski (co-supervisor G. Triberis), K. Koumbouras (co-supervisor I. Galanakis), L. Hawke (co-supervisor G. Kalosakas). Now I supervise the BSc Thesis of P. Banev, A. Falliera, A. Kordas


International Internships

Supervisor of 4 International Internships:

1. RISE worldwide DAAD BSc student Richard Lopp from Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany, 2 Jul - 6 Sep 2015, Evolution of electron or hole transfer along DNA

2. Erasmus+ MSc student Chloe Olacia, from Materials Engineering, Université de Montpellier, France, 24 May - 30 Jul 2021, Charge transfer in carbynes & carbon-nitrogen polymers (like NCCCCN), via density functional theory & tight-binding.

3. RISE worldwide DAAD BSc student Raef Milies from Universität Leipzig, Germany, 23 Aug - 15 Oct 2022, Charge transfer along quasiperiodic and fractal B-DNA sequences.

4. RISE worldwide DAAD BSc student Amelie Schmohl from Technische Universität Dresden, Germany, 4 Sep - 15 Oct 2023, Charge transfer along quasiperiodic and fractal B-DNA sequences.



Our previous research, computing and academic projects received ≈ 204 k€ and 15 M core hours.


Scientific Supervisor of the following research projects (173 k€):

Young Researchers - cycle B, ESF, 01/04/2020-30/06/2021, 37 k€. Charge transfer and transport in open and closed molecular wires made of carbon or carbon-nitrogen, with Dr. K. Lambropoulos & A. Morphis. IKY PhD scholarship of Marilena Mantela, 24/04/2018-24/04/2021, 30 k€. Electronic structure of aperiodic and natural nucleic acid segments and influence of mutations in the charge transport and transfer properties. HFRI PhD scholarship of Konstantinos Lambropoulos, 21/8/2017-30/9/2019, 23 k€. Energy structure and physical properties of periodic, quasi-periodic, fractal, amorphous, random and natural DNA segments. IKY fellowship of excellence for postdoctoral studies in Greece - Siemens program, grant for Dr. Maria Tassi, 15/9/2014-14/9/2016, 32 k€. Electronic structure, charge transfer and charge oscillations and optical properties of nucleic acid bases and DNA oligomers or polymers. IKY fellowship of excellence for postgraduate studies in Greece - Siemens program, grant for PhD Student Andreas Morphis, 1/3/2013-31/8/2016, 51 k€. Electronic structure, magnetic and optical properties of organic molecules and nanomaterials.

Scientific Supervisor of the following computing projects (15 Mch):

CODNA (charge oscillations in DNA) at supercomputer ARIS ΥΠΑΙΘ, 6.6 M core hours (ch), MONanoBio (charge movement in atom-thick nanowires based on bioelements) at supercomputer ARIS ΥΠΑΙΘ, 5.3 Mch, 2015-2022, + current 3.0 Mch 2023-2024.

Electronic structure of nucleic acid bases & analogues, 0.1 Mch, LinkSCEEM-2 Cyprus-Egypt, 2015. We maintain a cluster of 13 machines for modest calculations.


Academic Supervisor and author of the following grants (31 k€):

Academic textbooks (1) States of Matter, (2) Quantum Optics and Lasers, Kallipos ESF Oct 2014 - Sep 2015, 15 k€. Open Academic Courses at the University of Athens (1) States of Matter, (2) Quantum Optics and Lasers, ESF Mar 2014 - Sep 2015, 1 k€. Academic textbooks. Kallipos+ (1) Tight Binding in Molecules, Polymers, Solids, (2) Quantum Optics, ΠΔΕ ΥΠΑΙΘ July 2021 - August 2022, 15 k€.




research Grants

Project Title

Funding source


My role

Fellowship of Excellence for postgraduate studies in Greece - Siemens Program, grant for PhD Student Andreas Morphis. [Electronic structure, magnetic and optical properties of organic molecules and nanomaterials.]






Scientific Supervisor

Fellowship of Excellence for postdoctoral research in Greece - Siemens Program, grant for Dr. Maria Tassi. [Electronic structure, charge transfer and charge oscillations and optical properties of nucleic acid bases and DNA oligomers or polymers.]






Scientific Supervisor

PhD Scholarship for PhD Student Konstantinos Lambropoulos. [Energy structure and charge transport-transfer in molecular wires: carbynes, and periodic, deterministic aperiodic and random DNA.]






Scientific Supervisor

PhD scholarship for PhD Student Marilena Mantela. [Electronic structure of aperiodic & natural nucleic acid segments and influence of mutations in the charge transport & transfer properties.]






Scientific Supervisor

Young Researchers - cycle B, Operational Program Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning 2014-2020 [Charge transfer and transport in open and closed molecular wires made of carbon or carbon - nitrogen.] With Dr. K. Lambropoulos and PhD student A. Morphis.






Scientific Supervisor

IKY = Hellenic State Scholarship Foundation. HFRI = Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation. ESF = European Social Fund. ΠΔΕ ΥΠΑΙΘ = Public Investments Program, Hellenic Ministry of Education.



Project Title

Funding source


Role of the PI

Academic textbooks (1) States of Matter, (2) Quantum Optics and Lasers, action "Kallipos" (


Oct 2014 - Sep 2015


(1) States of Matter, (2) Quantum Optics and Lasers, action "Open Academic Courses at the University of Athens" (


Mar 2014 - Sep 2015


Academic textbooks. Action "Kallipos+"

( In Thematic category 2-II,

Natural Sciences and Agricultural Sciences.

(1) Tight Binding in Molecules, Polymers, Solids. In category Π2.4 Monographs, reveived the 1st higher grade.

(2) Quantum Optics. In category Π2.1, Undergraduate Textbooks, received the 2nd higher grade.


July 2021 - August 2022





Project Title

Funding source


Role of the PI

CODNA (charge oscillations in DNA) at supercomputer ARIS ΥΠΑΙΘ, 6.6 M core hours (ch), MONanoBio (charge movement in atom-thick nanowires based on bioelements) at supercomputer ARIS ΥΠΑΙΘ, 5.3 Mch, 2015-2022, + current 3.0 Mch 2023-2024.

Hellenic Ministry of Education



Scientific Supervisor

Electronic structure of nucleic acid bases & analogues, 0.1 Mch, LinkSCEEM-2 Cyprus-Egypt, 2015.

Cyprus - Egypt


Scientific Supervisor

Our Group maintains a cluster of 13 machines for modest calculations, constructed mainly via the grants that we host.