Mathematical Analysis in Athens - Katavolos and Nestoridis

Athens, December 15-19, 2017

The Department of Mathematics of the University of Athens is organizing a conference in honor of Aristides Katavolos and Vassili Nestoridis on the occasion of their retirement.

Aristides and Vassili have contributed greatly to the activities and function of this Department and have influenced, motivated and inspired many of its graduates. This conference is intended to both acknowledge their contribution to this Department and more generally Analysis in Greece, but also acknowledge and celebrate their scientific achievements.

The conference will consist of several 50 minutes special invited talks by well known and established mathematicians, mostly working in areas in which our Aristides and Vassili have contributed, as well as somewhat shorter talks, both by well established mathematicians as well as younger researchers, who are somehow connected or have been influenced by them.

The program of the conference and the book of abstracts are now available.