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Nicolaidou ArtemisProfessor Ôel.
727-4359, Fax: 727-4359 |
University education - Courses taught - Research interests - Recent Research Projects Ph D Theses supervised - Publications
B.Sc. Natural Science,
University of Athens, 1972 |
Á. THESES 1974 MSc Thesis Influence of sediment properties and wave action on tube building and distribution of Lanice conchilega, University of Wales. 56 pp 1977 Ph.D. Thesis Variability in Pectinaria dominated benthic communities, University of Wales 172 pp
/ REVIEW ARTICLES 2. Nicolaidou A., S. Reizopoulou, D. Koutsoubas S., Orfanidis & Th. Kevrekidis 2005. Lagoons pp.3-11, VI.1. In: State of the Hellenic Marine Environment. E. Papathanassiou & A. Zenetos (eds), Inst. Oceanoraphy, HCMR, 2005, 358 pp. 3. Nicolaidou A., S. Reizopoulou, D. Koutsoubas S., Orfanidis & Th.Kevrekidis, 2005. Biological components of Greek lagoonal ecosystems: a first synthesis. Mediterranean Marine Science 6: 31-50. PDF
IN INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS 2. Nicolaidou, A., 1983. Life history and productivity of Pectinaria koreni Malmgren (Polychaeta). Estuar. coast. Shelf Sci. 17: 31-43. PDF 3. Nicolaidou, A., M. Moraitou-Apostolopoulou and L. Ignatiades, 1983. A survey of estuarine benthic, zooplanktonic and phytoplanktonic communities of Amvrakikos Gulf, Ionian Sea. Mar. Ecol. 4: 197-209. 4. Taraschewski, H. and A. Nicolaidou, 1987. Heterophyes species in Greece: record of H. heterophyes, H.aequalis and H. dispar from the first intermediate host. J. Helminth. 61: 28-32. 5. Karakiri, M. and A. Nicolaidou, 1987. Population studies on the Amphipoda of Mazoma lagoon, Greece. Helgolander meeresunters 41: 453-464. 6. Karakiri, M. and A. Nicolaidou, 1988. On a collection of Amphipoda from the Northern Sporades, Aegean Sea. Crustaceana, Sup. 13: 107-114 7. Nicolaidou, A. 1988. Notes on the behaviour of Pectinaria koreni Malmgren. J.mar. biol. Assoc., U.K., 68: 55-59. 8. Nicolaidou, A. and M. Kostaki- Apostolopoulou, 1988. Growth of Abra ovata in a brackish-water lagoon. Vie marine, 9: 7-10. 9. Nicolaidou, A., F. Bourgoutzani, A. Zenetos, O. Guelorget and J.-MP. Perthuisot, 1988. Distribution of Molluscs and Polychaetes in coastal lagoons in Greece. Estuar. coast. Shelf Sci., 26: 337-350. PDF 10. Nicolaidou, A. and M. Karakiri, 1989. The distribution of Amphipoda in a brackish water lagoon in Greece. Mar. Ecol., 10: 131-139. 11. Nicolaidou, A., A.M.Pancucci and A. Zenetos, 1989. The impact of dumping coarse metalliferous waste on the benthos in Evoikos Gulf, Greece. Mar.Pollut. Bull., 20: 28-33. PDF 12. Íicolaidou, A. and C-N. Papadopoulou, 1989. Factors affecting the distribution and diversity of polychaetes in Amvrakikos Bay, Greece. Mar. Ecol. 11: 193-204. 13. Nicolaidou, A. and J.A. Nott, 1989. Heavy metal pollution induced by a ferro-nickel smelting plant in Greece. Sci. Total Envir. 84: 113-117. PDF 14. Nott, J.A. and A. Nicolaidou, 1989. The cytology of heavy metal accumulations in the digestive glands of three marine gastropods. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 237: 347-362. 15. Panagopoulos, D. and A. Nicolaidou, 1989. A population of Desdemona ornata Banse 1957 (Polychaeta, Sabellidae) settled in a fully marine habitat of the Mediterranean. Oebalia, 15: 35-39. 16. Nott, J.A and A. Nicolaidou, 1989. Metals in gastropods: metabolism and bioreduction. Mar. environ. Res., 28: 201-205. 17. Nott, J.A. and A. Nicolaidou, 1990. Transfer of metal detoxification along marine food chains. J.mar. biol. Assoc., U.K., 70: 905-912. 18. Nicolaidou, A. and J.A. Nott, 1990. Mediterranean pollution from a ferro-nickel smelter: Differential uptake of metals by some gastropods. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 21: 137-143. 19. Zenetos, A., F. Bei and A. Nicolaidou, 1991. Erratic occurrence of benthic fauna in a shallow Mediterranean area: an indirect effect of manmade disturbance. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 22: 618-622. PDF 20. Nott, J.A. and A. Nicolaidou, 1993. Bioreduction of zinc and manganese along a molluscan food chain. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 104a: 235-238. PDF 21. Nicolaidou, A., A. Zenetos, M.-A. Pancucci and N.Simboura, 1993. Comparing ecological effects of two different types of pollution using multivariate techniques. Mar. Ecol., 14: 113-128. 22. Catsiki, A.B., F. Bei and A. Nicolaidou, 1994. Size dependent metal concentrations in two marine gastropods. Neth. J. Aquat. Ecol.,28: 157-165. 23. Nott, J.A. and A. Nicolaidou, 1994. Variable transfer of detoxified metals from snails to hermit crabs in marine food chains. Mar. Biol. 120: 369-377. 24. Simboura, N.,
A.Zenetos, M.Thessalou-Legaki, A.Pancucci-Papadopoulou and A.Nicolaidou,
1995. Benthic communities of the infralittoral in the N. Sporades (Aegean
Sea). A variety of biotopes encountered and analysed. Mar. Ecol. 16:283-306.
33. Simboura, N., Á. Nicolaidou and M. Thessalou-Legaki 2000. Polychaete communities of Greece: An ecological overview. Mar. Ecol.21: 129-144. PDF 34. Makra, A. and A. Nicolaidou, 2000. Benthic communities of the inner Argolikos Bay. Belgian J. Zool. 130 (Sup): 63-69. 35. Kormas, K.A., A. Nicolaidou and S. Reizopoulou, 2001. Temporal variations of nutrients, chlorophyll a and particulate organic matter in three coastal lagoons of Amvrakikos Gulf (Ionian Sea, Greece). Mar. Ecol. 22: 201-213. PDF 36. Makra, A., M. Thessalou-Legaki, J. Costelloe, A. Nicolaidou and B.F. Keegan, 2001. Mapping the pollution gradient of the Saronikos Gulf Benthos prior to the operation of the Athens sewage treatment plant, Greece. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 42: 1417-1419. PDF 37. Kormas, K., V. Garametsi and A. Nicolaidou, 2002. Size fractionated phytoplankton chlorophyll in an Easter Mediterranean coastal system (Maliakos Gulf, Greece). Helgol. Mar. Res. 56:125-133. 38. Brown, C.J., R.A. Eaton, S.M. Cragg, P. Goulletquer, A. Nicolaidou, M.J. Bebianno, J. Icely, G. Daniel, T. Nilsson, A.J. Pitman and G.S. Sawyer, 2003. Assessment of effects of chromated copper arsenate (CCA)-treated timber on nontarget epibiota by investigation of fouling community development at seven European sites. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 45: 37-47 39. Nicolaidou, A. 2003. Observations on the re-establishment and tube construction by adults of the polychaete Lanice conchilega. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 83:1223-1224. 40. Kormas, K., A. Nicolaidou and M.Thessalou- Legaki 2003. Variability of environmental factors of an eastern Mediterranean Sea river-influenced coastal system. Medit. Mar. Sci. 4:67-77. PDF 41. Antoniadou, C., A. Nicolaidou and C. Chintiroglou. 2004. Polychaetes associated with sciaphilic alga community in the northern Aegean Sea: spatial and temporal variability. Helg. Mar. Res. 58:168-182. PDF 42. Reizopoulou, S. & A. Nicolaidou, 2004. Benthic diversity of coastal brackish-water lagoons in Western Greece. Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. 14: S93-S102. PDF 43. Nicolaidou, A., K. Petrou, K.A.Kormas and S. Reizopoulou. 2006. Inter-annual variability of soft bottom macrofaunal communities in two Ionian Sea lagoons. Hydrobiologia 55:89-98. PDF 44. Akoumianaki, I., S. Papaspyrou & A. Nicolaidou, 2006. Dynamics of macrofauna body size in a delta-front environment. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 321:55-66. PDF 45. Reizopoulou, S. and A. Nicolaidou, 2007. Index of size distribution (ISD): a method of quality assessment for coastal lagoons. Hydrobiologia 577: 141-149. PDF 46. Akoumianaki, I. & A. Nicolaidou, 2007. The spatial variability and dynamics of macrobenthos in a Mediterranean delta front area: role of physical processes. J. Sea Res. PDF 47. Katsanevakis, S. G. Verriopoulos, A. Nicolaidou & M. Thessalou-Legaki, 2007. Effect of marine litter on the benthic megafauna of coastal soft bottoms: a manipulative field experiment. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 54:771-778. PDF 48. Vardala-Theodorou, E., A. Nicolaidou, 2007. On the recent and fossil malacofauna of "Vouoliagmeni Lake", Perachora (Korinthiakos Gulf, Greece). Boll. Malacol. 43: 62-70. 49. Nicolaidou, A. 2007. Lack of temporal variability in the benthos of a coastal brackish water lagoon in greece. Medit. Mar. Sci. 8:5-17. PDF 50. Faulwetter, S., Gotsis, P., Reizopoulou, S., Orfanidis, S., Kevrekidis, T., Nicolaidou, A., Simboura, N., Malea, P. , Dounas, C. , Mogias, A. , Valavanis, V. , Arvanitidis, C. 2008 ElNet: The Greek biodiversity transitional waters information system. An exemplar for the development of distributed information networks in Europe Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 18: S135-S142. PDF 51. Sangiorgio, F, Basset, L., M. Pinna, A., Sabetta, Abbiati, M. M. Ponti, M. Minocci, S. Orfanidis, A. Nicolaidou, S. Moncheva, A. Trajanova, L. Georgescu, S. Dragan, S. Beqiraj, D. Koutsoubas, A. Evagelopoulos, & S. Reizopoulou. 2008. Environmental factors affecting fragmites australis litter decomposition in Mediterranean and Black Sea transitional waters. Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. 18: S16-S26. PDF 52. Tsangaris, C., E. Papathanassiou & A. Nicolaidou, 2008. Biochemical biomarkers and overall health status of mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis exposed to nickel and chromium. Chemistry and Ecology 24:315-327. PDF 53. Basset, A., Sabetta, L., F. Sangiorgio, M. Pinna, D. Migoni, F. Fanizzi, E. Barbone, N. Galuppo, S. Fonda Umani, S. Reizopoulou, A. Nicolaidou, C. Arvanitidis, S. Moncheva, A. Trajanova, L. Georgescu & S. Beqiraj. 2008. Biodiversity conservation in Mediterranean and Black Sea lagoons: a trait-oriented approach to benthic invertebrate guilds. Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. 18: S4-S15 54. Somerfield, P.J. Arvanitidis, C. , Faulwetter, S. , Chatzigeorgiou, G. , Vasileiadou, A. , Amouroux, J.M. , Anisimova, N. , Cochrane, S.J. , Craeymeersch, J. , Dahle, S. , Denisenko, S. , Dounas, K. , Duineveld, G. ,Gremare, A. , Heip, C.H.R. , Herrmann, M., Karakassis, I. , Kedra, M., Kendall, M.A. , Kingston, P. , Kotwicki, L. , Labrune, C. , Laudien, J. , Nevrova, H. , Nicolaidou, A. , Occhipinti-Ambrogi, A. , Palerud, R. , Petrov, A. , Rachor, E. , Revkov, N. , Rumohr, H. , Sard?, R. , Janas, U. , Vanden Berghe, E. , W?odarska-Kowalczuk, M. 2009. Assessing evidence for random assembly of marine benthic communities from regional species pools Marine Ecology Progress Series 382, pp. 279-286 55. Karayanni, H., Kormas, K.Ar., Cragg, S., Nicolaidou, A. 2009 Establishment and Succession of an Epibiotic Community on Chromated Copper Arsenate-Treated Wood in Mediterranean Waters Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, pp. 1-8. PDF
IN ELECTRONIC JOURNALS 2. Thessalou-Legaki, M., A. Zenetos, V. Kambouroglou, Corsini-Foka M., P. Kouraklis, C. Dounas & A. Nicolaidou, 2006. The establishment of the invasive crab Percnon gibbesi (H. Milne Edwards, 1853) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Grapsidae) in Greek waters. Aquatic Invasions, 1: 133-136. 3. Sangiorgio F, A. Basset, M. Pinna1, L. Sabetta1, M. Abbiati, M. Ponti, M. Minocci, S. Orfanidis, A. Nicolaidou, S. Moncheva6, A. Trayanova, L. Georgescu, S. Dragan, S. Beqiraj, D. Koutsoubas, A. Evagelopoulos, S. Reizopoulou 2007. Ecosystem processes: litter breakdown patterns in Mediterranean and Black Sea transitional waters Transit. Waters Bull. 3(2007), 51-55. PDF 4. Reizopoulou, S & A. Nicolaidou, 2007. The growth of the bivalve Abra segmentum (Recluz, 1843) in two Mediterranean lagoons. Transit. Waters Bull. 4. |