Anna Karasoulou

Anna Karasoulou

Ph.D student at
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Department of Informatics and Telecommunications

Contact Details

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Department of Informatics and Telecommunications
Panepistimiopolis, Ilisia 15784, Greece.
Phone Number: (+30) 2107275342
email:akarasou at di dot uoa dot gr

I am currently a Ph.D student at the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications in the University of Athens under the supervision of Prof. Ioannis Emiris.

My thesis topic is "Algebraic combinatorics and resultant methods for polynomial system solving" and my research interests lie in applied algebraic geometry, invariant theory, computational algebra and theoretical computer science.

I am also a member of Laboratory of Algebraic and Geometric Algorithms.

This page was last revised in May 2014.

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